An organizational change model that can be used in a dynamic health care environment is Lewin’s Change Model. Organizational change is managed in this model by using three stages. The first stage is the unfreezing stage. During this stage, practices that need improvement and understanding the current practices and why they are completed this way. It is also the time to identify “any barriers that would prevent changes.” (El-shafy, Zapke, Sargeant, Prince & Christopherson 2019). Once this stage is completed, the second phase of Lewin’s Change Model can begin. The second stage is the moving stage. Using the motivation from the previous stage, leaders can keep the change in motion. This stage allows leaders to work towards the goal of the change. The final stage of the model is the refreezing stage. The leader uses positive reinforcement to prevent staff from going back to the old ways of doing things. This promotes the continuing use of the change to improve the workplace. An example of this on my current unit is the goal of decreasing telemetry calls for leads off a patient. The leaders decided that the calls were time consuming and would prevent the monitors from being able to call during an emergency. The leaders discussed this problem with staff of both the unit and telemetry and obtained processes for each unit and telemetry units. This unfreezing stage was able to take place. The leaders took the obtained information and created a change that would decrease the amount of calls for both telemetry and the unit. The leaders then presented the change that would occur and thus began the moving stage. Nurses and technicians worked together to change the telemetry stickers on each patient at noon and midnight. Batteries were also to be changed once per shift by nine in the morning and nine at night. These changes in the moving stage have then undergone the refreezing state. The new employees are learning this process as part of the daily tasks. The leaders provided positive reinforcement every time the goal was met for the telemetry calls. This process is now completed and working well to decrease telemetry calls.

Stake holders play a supportive role during organizational change. The stakeholders may sometimes have opinions or goals of their own. Stakeholders can relay the goals they would like to the leaders who then can begin a process for organizational change. The leaders can use Lewin’s Change Model to achieve these goals set by the stakeholders.

Word Count: 408


El-shafy, I. A., Zapke, J., Sargeant, D., Prince, J. M., & Christopherson, N. A. M. (2019). Decreased Pediatric Trauma Length of Stay and Improved Disposition With Implementation of Lewin’s Change Model. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 26(2), 84–88.

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